Brewing partnership offers reusable bottle program

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Conscious Container & Great Basin Brewing Company will launch a Northern Nevada Craft Bottle Refilling Pilot. The launch will be held in partnership with ‘Supper in the Street’, a farm to fork supper served family style, to be held on Thursday, Sept. 21, from 5:30 to 8 p.m. on Victorian Square in downtown Sparks. The event is hosted by Western Nevada College Specialty Crop Institute and Great Basin Brewing Company.  ‘Supper in the Street’  tickets and information can be found on the WNC website at: Consumers can drop-off their cases of 24 empty 12oz brown beer bottles at the September 21 launch event and going forward at either Great Basin Brewpubs during standard hours of operations. Conscious Container is a glass bottle reuse start up company.  Founder Caren McNamara started the company because she was tired of throwing away glass bottles that could be reused in their original mold. “The glass bottle refilling marketplace is commonplace in many other countries and has staggering positive impacts for our environment,” McNamara said. The partnership is the first incentivized craft beer bottle ‘collection only’ pilotin Northern Nevada, with consumers receiving a $1 Great Basin Brewery credit for each case of 24  empty Great Basin 12oz brown beer bottles dropped-off at either the Sparks or Reno Great Basin Brewpub locations. These bottles will be cleaned and refilled with craft beer by a neighbor craft brewer, Bayern Brewing, in Missoula, Mont.