Letters to the Editor for Sunday, April 29, 2018

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Russia takes imperialistic aim at Syria

Putin wouldn’t give a rat’s hind end for Syria. If you remember, Russia invaded Afghanistan on its march to the sea. They had underestimated the Afghans’ resolve to rid their country of the foreign devils. Russia lost 20,000 of its troops.

Syria is a different situation. The Syrian people don’t like their government, nor do they like the Russians.

I suspect a tragic accident will mysteriously cause the government’s demise, thus allowing the Russians to establish a puppet government.

The Syrians will have seeming peace from oppression. Little do they know, Russia will no longer be the isolated country that it has been.

Russia will have a long desired warm-water seaport and the world will be a much safer place.

Fred Brown

Carson City

Reedy thanks Carson City

This a thank you letter to so many in the city who are consistent, very supportive, and help make Carson City the amazing community that it is today. My wife Lily has lived here for about 28 years and I have lived here for 20 years, and we are still continually impressed by the generosity and genuineness of this community. We want to try to thank some of you in particular for being there to help our Carson City Parkinson’s Awareness & Advocacy Group and to help those of us with Parkinson’s and our amazing care partners.

Since Lily and I started the support group (now the Parkinson’s Awareness & Advocacy Group) we have been blessed to have all of our meetings and other gatherings hosted by Sierra Place Senior Living (off College Parkway). They have a place that is very clean, professional and with a happy and always helpful staff. Karrie Barret helps our group in every way.

We are very grateful to the following for helping us with a successful Parkinson’s Awareness month:

Mayor Crowell, his staff, and the city supervisors for the Parkinson’s Awareness month proclamation. They let many of our group come into the limelight and be celebrated for their bravery in fighting their disease.

Jeff Munson and Jim Gustafson at Carson Now for first noticing our press release on our trip to Washington, D.C., and then having Jim do a very touching and informative piece on our life with Parkinson’s.

Teri Vance for being such a wonderful, kindred spirit and a lifelong friend. After years of telling stories for me, now she encourages us to get out there with our story.

Nicole Mueller with the Reno VA and the American Parkinson’s Disease Association. She is a kind, encouraging, and very supportive person with a great sense of humor and heart. She is a valuable asset and frequent partner on ways to get the word out there and help others.

KNVC (95.1) for showing interest in our story and inviting us to talk about. Sadly, I was having a bad day on the day of the interview and missed it. We hope to get another try at that.

Carson Public Library for hosting our month long display on Parkinson’s Disease.

Carson Tahoe Hospital for room for Michael J Fox Foundation Presentation.

Nevada Appeal for helping get articles published in the Healthy Tuesday section. They allowed us to share so much and they included stories (and way too many huge pictures of us). It was embarrassing, but at the same time, wonderful to get the story out there and have more people reach out to us. The Nevada Appeal is tremendously supportive in always telling relevant and interesting stories within our community.

Taylor Pettaway, Nevada Appeal reporter, for such in-depth interviews and amazing story telling abilities. She amazes us with the probing questions she asks, how she listens intently and eventually weaves a very well told and intimate story.

For further information on Parkinson’s check out our website at www.careliving4all.com and feel free to come to our meetings on the second Tuesday of every month at Sierra Place Senior Living, 1111 W. College Parkway, Carson City or call us at 775-883-4144.

Brian Reedy


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