the Bureau of Land Management, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Public Domain Allotments, and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service announce the implementation of fire restrictions on all lands under their jurisdiction effective 12:01 a.m. Saturday and lasting until further notice.
SPARKS — Increased fuels due to the wet winter and spring, drying vegetation, high fuel loading, and increasing daytime temperatures have prompted the Bridgeport and Carson Ranger Districts on the Humbolt-Toiyabe National Forest to announce the implementation of fire restrictions beginning Saturday.
“With the heavy fuel loading in the Sierra Front and increased fire activity across the region, going into fire restrictions is an important step for us to help prevent wildfires,” said Mike Wilde, District Fire Management Officer. “People are encouraged to safely enjoy the public lands, bearing in mind that human-caused fires threaten human life, private property, and public land resources every summer.”
Fire restrictions prohibit the following:
Building, maintaining, attending, or using a fire (using wood, charcoal or any other material), campfire, or stove fire except a portable stove using gas, jellied petroleum, or pressurized liquid fuel outside of a developed fee campground or picnic area (except by permit).
Smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle or at a developed campground or picnic area.
Operating vehicles or other motorized equipment off of existing paved, gravel, or dirt roads.
Welding or operating an acetylene torch with open flames, except by permit.
Using, or causing to be used, any explosive, except by permit.
Possession or use of fireworks (always prohibited) or any other incendiary device.
Use of tracer rounds, steel-core ammunition, or exploding targets, including Binary Explosive Targets while recreational shooting.
Violators found guilty of having a fire during restrictions on the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest could receive a maximum fine of $5,000 or six months in jail or both. Persons may also be responsible for resource damage, suppression costs, and any injuries that occur if they are found liable for causing a wildfire.
Report fires to the Sierra Front Interagency Fire Dispatch Center, Minden, 775-883-5995, or dial 911.
For more information or clarification on the restrictions, please visit or contact the Bridgeport Ranger District at 760-932-7070 and Carson Ranger District at 775-882-2766.