Past Pages for Aug. 8-10, 2018

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150 Years Ago

The Ormsby County Union League could have a full meeting tomorrow night in order that fitting preparations should be made for the reception of the distinguished Unionists who are on their way hither by way of the Plains. Be on hand, everybody.

130 Years Ago

A few days ago Mr. Hunneycut, who purchased some silver quarters of the wrong date for $1.50 apiece, purchased a silver watch off a boy who, prior to the sale, had extracted several of the wheels.

100 Years Ago

Killed Rabid Coyote: J.A. Kirin, county game warden, when returning from a trip up the river, shot and killed a rabid coyote just on the outskirts of town near the ball park. (Humboldt Star)

70 Years Ago

More visitors viewed exhibits and displays in the Nevada State Museum during the month of July than any comparable period since the institution was opened several years ago. Miss Elisabeth Dayton, curator, said that the electric eye fixed on the front door had counted 11,330 visitors.

50 Years Ago

Cautious and frequently skeptical city councilmen Tuesday gave the Ormsby County Fair and Recreation Board tentative approval to go ahead with plans for the Carson City Civic Center.

30 years ago

The hard feelings of property owners who lost homes and of firefighters who were placed to the losses still smolder a year after the tragic Acorn Fire in Woodfords.


150 Years Ago

A Man Shot at Virginia: From the Gold Hill News of last evening we learn at about 6 o’clock yesterday morning a miner named Thomas Williams was shot on South C Street, Virginia, by Daniel O’Neil. It appears that for some time past O’Neil has been jealous of Williams on account of suspected improper intimacy with (O’Neil’s) wife.

130 Years Ago

Yesterday morning Mr. John Forepaugh came in rather excitedly to the Sheriff’s Office and announced Annie Forepaugh had been kidnapped and he wanted her recovered. The necessary complaint was made out, and the sheriff, accompanied by Mr. Forepaugh, started after the girl. About two miles from the city they overtook 12 of the performers in the circus bandwagon. She told the following to an Appeal reporter: “My real name is not Forepaugh. My parents live in Chicago and leased me to Mr. Forepaugh about five years ago.” She explained her reason for leaving: that the 13 leaving would be “hoodoo” and bad luck, so she went to make 14. Now that there is 13, they had to leave Donnelly to break the 13 and bad hoodoo.

100 Years Ago

A letter received yesterday from Earl Burlington, written July 3, states he has completely recovered from his attack of trench fever. At the time of writing he said they were taking things easy but were getting in shape when the time came to go against the Germans to make them think they had butted into a stone wall. It is more than likely Earl’s company has taken an active part in defeating the crown prince’s army.

70 Years Ago

Eugene Doss, accompanied by his mother, father and smaller brother, left today for Akron, O., where he will represent the state of Nevada in the national soap box derby Aug. 15.

50 Years Ago

Richard M. Nixon selects Gov. Spiro T. Agnew as his running mate.

30 years ago

The Carson City Chamber of Commerce has announced the World’s 11th International Whistle-Off at Mills Park. The event, held every year since 1977, is a melodic whistling competition.


150 Years Ago

A Colored Preacher from Sacramento, Rev. Amos Johnson, will preach this evening at the Colored School House. Bible Society Meeting — There will be services, on behalf of the American Bible Society, at the Presbyterian Church this evening at 8 o’clock. After the service the Bible will be distributed without note or comment.

130 Years Ago

George Harke says the only cool place in town is the inside of his refrigerator.

100 Years Ago

The local Red Cross chapter has packed and ready to ship the following articles: Seventy-one pneumonia jackets, 31 operating caps for surgeons, 31 operating gowns for surgeons, 30 helpless taped bed-shirts, 21 pairs of pajamas, 156 pairs of knitted socks, 10 Paris wristlets, 46 helmets, 10 mufflers, 16 sweaters, 1 knitted ambulance robe.

70 Years Ago

After a 39-day dry spell, rain came to Carson City late Saturday morning. Testing officials at the state highway department said that .05 inches of precipitation was recorded.

50 Years Ago

The U.S. Forest Service and the Nevada Division of Forestry combined forces this morning to start bombing the fire-scarred slopes west of Carson City with more than 15,000 pounds of seed in what Gov. Paul Laxalt has dubbed “Project Pine.”

30 years ago

Photo caption: Bonnie Bryan points to the new marble floor in the foyer of the Governor’s Mansion as Assembly Speaker Joe Dini of Yerington and his wife, Jeannie, are given a tour of the residence.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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