One of several single-family home models included in the application for the Lompa Ranch East planned unit development.
CARSON CITY, Nev. — A new Lompa Ranch development is under review.
The proposed residential project consists of 137 single-family houses and 296 multifamily units, with 12 acres of total common open space and a 3-acre park.
The site is 41.56 acres east of Interstate 580, between the highway and Airport Road, south of Modoc Court and north of 5th Street.
The Planning Commission is expected to consider the planned unit development (PUD) at its meeting on Aug. 29.
The Lompa Ranch East project is applying for a PUD in order to deviate in several ways from the Lompa Ranch North Specific Plan, which outlines development standards for the area.
For one, the developer wants to build single-family houses on a minimum lot size of 4,050 square feet rather than the minimum 6,000 square feet designated in the specific plan.
“The smaller lots help to reduce impacts related to water demand and appeal to a wide range of residents including young professionals, families, retirees, etc.,” reads the application.
The developer also wants a modified local street section, a private right-of-way with 5-foot sidewalks on either side, 20-foot travel lanes, and a 2-foot center valley gutter.
The PUD also proposes front setbacks between 15-20 feet, rear setbacks of 10 feet, and side setbacks of five feet on the interior and 10 feet on the exterior next to the street.
The application, prepared by Rubicon Design Group LLC, says the project will otherwise conform to the specific plan, which requires a park and trails network, and a $1,000 per-unit fire mitigation fee, among other things.
The development’s open space and park will be maintained either through a landscape maintenance agreement with the city or through a home owners association.
According to the application, the northern portion of the site will have 11 lots with eight fourplexes, or 88 units, and 13 lots with eightplex buildings, or 208 units, for a total of 296 multifamily units on about 15 acres.
South of that will be 137 single-family homes on roughly 24 acres for an overall density of 5.7 houses per acre as proposed.
A 3-acre park is currently designed in the center, near the Lompa Lane and Airport Road intersection.
The applicant is working with Carson City and the Federal Emergency Management Agency on a Conditional Letter of Map Revision, or CLOMR, to remove all portions of the property, as applicable, from the floodway, according to the application.
Lompa Ranch East is one of several projects in some stage of development on the former ranching property in the center of Carson City. Ryder Homes is building 189 single-family houses on 44.5 acres and 350 apartments on 17.5 acres, and last week the Board of Supervisors approved a zoning map amendment and specific plan area for a 27-acre parcel south of 5th Street that’s being developed by Blackstone Development Group.