Hof sues Nye County in brothel license flap

Dennis Hof's Love Ranch brothel in Crystal on Oct. 14, 2015.

Dennis Hof's Love Ranch brothel in Crystal on Oct. 14, 2015.

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LAS VEGAS — Nevada’s most famous legal pimp is accusing Nye County officials of conflicts of interest in revoking his license to operate his best-known brothel about an hour’s drive northwest of Las Vegas.

Love Ranch owner and state Assembly candidate Dennis Hof filed a federal lawsuit Aug. 10 in Las Vegas alleging that two county commissioners should have abstained from voting to close Hof’s business because they’re defendants in other Hof lawsuits.

Hof attorney Marc Randazza didn’t immediately respond Thursday to messages.

Hof has alleged county officials have tried to thwart his run for Assembly.

The Las Vegas Review-Journal reports it’s Hof’s fourth lawsuit against Nye County and officials in less than a year.

County officials say Hof failed to renew his license and pay required fees for his brothel in Pahrump.


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