Letters to the editor for Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2018

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Columnist wrong about President Trump

This letter is to inform Guy Farmer and those who follow his commentary that he could not be more wrong about our president.

In a printed rant against our nation’s president, Guy wrote, among other things, on page A17 of the Aug. 18 issue, that President Trump is ignorant.

I have not checked on Guy Farmer’s accomplishments, and have no plans to.

I suggest that comparing Guy’s accomplishments to President Trump’s would be easy to determine, even for a person who just happened to be ignorant.

Marvin Christy


Flower baskets beautify downtown

Driving through downtown recently my wife and I noticed how beautiful the flower baskets are lining Carson Street — gorgeous.

Thanks, Greenhouse Project and all involved, for making our little city a nicer place to live and work.

Charlie Kilpatrick

Carson City

Brennan’s revoked security clearance: What’s the big deal?

Why is there so much commotion about Brennan having his security clearance revoked? He is no longer an employee of the U.S. government.

I carried a “Top Secret” security clearance for many, many years while in the service of the U.S. government. When I retired after some 20-plus years of that service, I had to sign a government form stating that I understood my clearance was revoked and that I could not talk about anything I had been privy to while holding that clearance, unless that information became declassified at a future time.

So, give it up, folks. Brennan is just another retired government employee with a revoked security clearance.

George Gerlach



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