Past Pages for Dec. 15-18, 2018

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150 years aGO

White Pine. — The rush still continues. Now we are not one of that kind that would advise everybody to stay at home, or rather a “bird in the hand is better than two in the bush,” but believe in hunting the bush and taking the outside chances. Great reports of immense wealth of White Pine come in every day.

130 years ago

“Indian Dick,” the aborigine, who is working on the public building, is fast placing himself in alignment with the art of bricklaying. He is not laying any brick at present, he is merely packing a hod, but he informed a reporter yesterday that he was watching the game closely, and would be able, he thought, to lay pressed brick and do fancy work around a cornice next week.

100 years ago

Attention Eagles! All Eagles are requested to attend the burial of John Barleycorn at the hall this evening at 7:30 o’clock. Services are private. All mourners attend.

80 years ago

State Engineer A.M. Smith said today that chances of obtaining substantial amounts of Shasta power would increase sharply if more western Nevada communities would apply for the current.

50 years ago

Gov. Paul Laxalt announced a special briefing for Tuesday in Las Vegas to answer “serious questions” about a mega sized nuclear explosion scheduled Wednesday at the Nevada Test Site.

30 years ago

A plan to turn Nevada’s wild horse management over to businessmen surfaced Wednesday with a supporter saying the private sector could better supervise herds than the government.


150 years aGO

Some unmitigated scamp, with our without gloves, made a raid upon the carpenter shop of our worthy citizen, Seymour Pixley, and packed off his stove, together with twenty feet of pipe. Pix had just stepped over to the Magnolia to take his morning airing just before going to work, when the thief, without fear of burnt fingers or the mighty arm of the law, deliberately walked into the shop and loaded up. This is a remarkable robbery for this place.

130 years ago

There is no present more appropriate for Christmas than a good photograph. Come and have your pictures taken. Mr. Peterson is prepared to do first class work, at reasonable rates.

100 years ago

With the new prohibition law going into effect at midnight tonight and the closing of all saloons and dispensers of alcoholic beverages, there has been an almost wild scramble the past few days by large numbers of people to lay in a stock of their favorite beverage. All but three or four will come for good and all tonight. The Arlington bar will remain open, but in conformity with the new law and only soft drinks will be sold.

80 years ago

Lester Groth was last evening elected worshipful master of Carson Lodge No. 1, Free and Accepted Masons for the term of one year. Grand Master Elwood Beemer will install the newly-elected officers on December 29th.

50 years ago

St. Peter’s Episcopal Church Christmas Bazaar and Food Sale made over $275 Saturday. “Its the best we’ve ever done,” said Mrs. Robert Pumphreys, wife of the minister. “We’re very pleased.”

30 years ago

Nye Building female workers fired back today at lawmakers who booted out of their parking lot, saying they fear for their safety because they have to walk farther distances at night to reach their cars. Lawmakers evicted the workers from their parking lot to provide 80 spaces to the public in time for the 1989 Legislature.


150 years aGO

The big pigeon shooting match at the Warm Spring Hotel, under the management of Lance Nightingale will begin to-day at 11 o’clock. Let every shot gun shootist be there ready to take a chance at the birds and the prizes.

130 years ago

Yesterday the county of Ormsby took the necessary legal steps to take possession of Patrick Brannan’s ranch to satisfy the judgement against him for an assault upon Officer Bryant. Brannan decided to take the case through district court. Having mortgaged his property to do so, an important lesson was not lost. In the future, when men are arrested for assault, when the facts are all against them, they will probably profit by Mr. Brannan’s experience and conclude that it is better to plead guilty and settle on the spot.

100 years ago

Druggists may carry in stock and sell for medical purposes, upon prescription, and United States pharmacopeia or national formulary preparations in conformity with the Nevada pharmacy law, whisky, brandy and many other of the most intoxicating liquors, according to an opinion by William McKnight, deputy attorney general.

80 years ago

International developments, particularly alleged German, Japanese and Italian discrimination against American citizens, trade and commerce, appeared today to be forcing this country toward retaliatory economic action.

50 years ago

Fourteen families and businesses received special recognition when the Carson City Chamber of Commerce announced the winners of the decoration contest at a dinner with over 100 people last night at the Carson Hot Springs. Placing first in the homes over $25,000 division was the William Shewan family. The David Smith family won in the houses under $25,000. The Warren Engine Company was presented with the business award.

30 years ago

Wrapped in a heavy overcoat, Gov. Richard Bryan revived a nearly forgotten tradition Thursday evening when he lighted the state’s Christmas tree. Old records show the Christmas tree was planted in front of the Capitol in 1876 by George Washington Gale Ferris, whose son later would invent the Ferris wheel.


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