Carson City can expect a couple inches of snow this week, with low temperatures causing it to stick, according to the National Weather Service.
Snow has returned this past weekend, bringing Carson City anywhere from half an inch to two inches of snow on the ground.
“The reason we have the snow and it’s so cold and windy right now is due to a strong cold front that came through and rapidly sent temps crashing down, really in the past 24 hours,” said meteorologist for the National Weather Service, Dawn Johnson.
Cold is right. Over the weekend, one of the lowest temperatures reported by the Carson Airport was 18 degrees. The rest of the week is going to be just as cold, the coldest being today and Tuesday at below average temperatures ranging from single digits to low 30s. When the weekend comes about, more moderate temperatures in the high 30s can be expected.
According to the National Weather Service, the snow the area received on Monday was a convector shower. The storm that’s bringing in this snow is directly above Carson City, and will be bringing on snow showers throughout the day.
“We aren’t getting major accumulations of snow, but no matter what amount falls, it will stick to the ground because of the lower temperatures,” said Johnson.
Expect additional systems to come down from the north, bringing more snow showers. Experts are expecting stronger chances of snow starting on Wednesday night, into Thursday night and so on.
Lake Tahoe received anywhere from 2-7 inches of snow over the weekend, and is expecting more also.