The Nevada Department of Agriculture has been awarded $250,000 in federal funding under the Specialty Crop Block Grant program.
The funding will be awarded to projects that enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, dried fruits and nursery crops.
“The grant allows us to support projects that increase awareness and education about specialty crops or enhance those Nevada crops through research,” said Agriculture Director Jim Barbee.
In the past, grant money from this program has been awarded to establish projects including the Great Basin Community Food Coop’s Distributors of Regional & Organic Produce and Products as well as the Fallon Food Hub.
Barbee said eligible proposals must have multiple beneficiaries.
Agricultural producers, non-profit and tribal groups, industry and community-based groups and academic organizations are encouraged to apply.
Letters of intent can be submitted by March 15 with full application proposals by April 15.
The RFP and details are on the department’s website at