Past Pages for Friday, Jan. 19, 2018

Carson City looking north from the top of the Capitol building in 1871.

Carson City looking north from the top of the Capitol building in 1871.

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150 Years Ago

Washoe Lake frozen: Col. T. P. Schamp of Ophir says the sleighing on the Ophir Grade is excellent. The lake is frozen to an unusual depth, and the ice is of sufficient strength to bear the heaviest quartz. Teams which now cross directly from the east to the southwest shore haul full loads of ore to Dali’s mill. For six miles the lake is smooth and solid.

140 Years Ago

Storm at the lake, frightful and turbulent: Hank Monk, the veteran storm fielder, went up in a rockaway with two passengers. He says the windstorm is the most severe ever experienced in his long and checkered career. Trees were blown across the road. Branches and debris of blown down pines blocked his way. The side of Joe Damon’s barn was blown in. Captains Pray and Lapham say it was the worst storm they ever saw.

120 Years Ago

Dick Roberts: Roberts of this city (of Foreman/Roberts House) and a man named Glock were brought face to face before a grand jury. Roberts testified that in a saloon in Carson, Glock admitted to him that he was one of the lynchers, and that he kicked Uber as he was dragged along.

100 Years Ago

Stewart School Indian boys leave for Fort McDowell: A most patriotic demonstration was given for six of the Indian boys who were leaving to join the United States Aviation Corps at Fort McDowell. The entire cadet corps banned together with the educational staff assembled to say goodbye. The students are James Horton, Pancho Hastings, Harvey LeSuer, Cleveland Cypher, Chancey Rubin and Manual Cordova.

70 Years Ago

Mumps at State Orphans Home: Mrs. Roland van der Smissen, wife of the superintendent of the children’s home, said that three staff members and 13 children were ill with the mumps. The sick room at the home is full and accommodations are being made in one dormitory for hospitalization of others. The disease was first contracted soon after Christmas.

20 Years Ago

Photo caption: Pictured is one of the three new billboards erected on the south side of Highway 50 near the bottom of Spooner Summit. The billboards were built on Washoe Tribal Lands.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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