Jason Gardner competes in the newspaper toss during the End of Bike Week Party on Friday evening in McFadden Plaza.
Last week, I shared some of the advice I received on social media for treating the flu and cold viruses.
People were generous with their advice and remedies, learned on the Internet or passed down from their mothers. They also shared tips for preventing the viruses in the first place.
I grew up with Erin Neff Peters in Ruby Valley. She now lives in Texas.
“Having grown up with a mother who was queen of witchcraft, get yourself some zinc,” she said. “Out of 22 people who work in my office, only four of us haven’t gotten the flu this year (and those who did were out for 10 days minimum). I was downing elderberry like a mad woman and also drinking apple cider vinegar cocktails.”
Her mom’s not really a witch, she’s a lovely woman who takes a holistic approach to health — which is a practical necessity when you live so far from town.
Health coach Alexandra Negrete had her own prescription.
“Your gut is the gateway to health,” she advised. “Healthy gut equals healthy immune system. Take some probiotics and drink warm lemon ginger water first thing in the morning.”
Charity Dale recommended anti-inflammatory along with cutting sugar and white starches. She added some practical advice as well.
“Stay home, and don’t infect other people when you’re sick,” she said.
George Custer was full of practical advice.
“Always get a flu shot — people who deny this are denying science — we use vaccines for all kinds of illnesses like polio that could be disasters,” he said. “If you do get the flu, bed rest and Campbell’s regular chicken soup. Try a couple cannabis gummies to settle your stomach. If you have a temperature over 100.5, or shortness of breath, seek a doctor — a physician … not a voodoo doctor.”
As a journalist, Sandra Chereb is nothing if not pragmatic.
“Wash your hands,” she said. “And wash your hands. Use the Sani-wipes at the grocery store when you get your cart. Wash your hands. Wipe down equipment at the gym before you use it. And after. Wash your hands. Avoid sick people. Wash your hands. If you haven’t already, get a flu shot! Wash your hands.”
Michelle Zito recommended a tablespoon of vinegar in tea (or straight) twice daily as a way to alkalize the system.
“Viruses can’t proliferate in an alkaline environment,” she said.
Unsurprisingly, my unconventional friend from Wells High School, Gina Morrow, shared some unconventional wisdom.
“When my Bubba got it, it was straight to the bedroom for rest,” she said. “I got the Theraflu and gave it to him like clockwork. I also pumped him with Gatorade and fed him chicken noodle soup. When he started to get hot, I cranked up the heater (gotta break the fever, LOL).
“Oh, and every now and again I’d spray Lysol in his direction. I think that was the key.”
Teri Vance is a journalist, freelance writer and native Nevadan. Contact her with column ideas at terivance@rocketmail.com.