4-H member Tristin LaFever of Reno and his dog Tundra run the dog agility course at the Carson City Fair at Fuji Park in 2017.
Editor’s note: Teri Vance’s column isn’t appearing in today’s Appeal, but will return next Saturday.
Organizers of the Carson City Fair are looking for up to 100 volunteers for next week’s event.
“There’s all sorts of positions that vary from helping with the youth livestock show and dog show, or being inside working the information desk, or picking up trash,” said Lindsey Chichester, educator for University of Nevada Cooperative Extension. “Whether they want to be outside or inside with the air conditioning, that’s all up to them. We’ve got a little bit of everything.”
The second annual Carson City Fair kicks off Wednesday at Fuji Park and runs through July 29.
“Our goal with bringing the fair was to create a family friendly event,” Chichester said. “A lot of the performances and exhibits are free. It should be a fun time.”
The fair will feature livestock auctions and exhibits.
“This year, all livestock animals will be in the barn and the show tent will be in the grassy area,” she said. “That will be better because it will be shaded.”
The carnival kicks off Wednesday with $1 ride night from 6-10 p.m. After that, $5 off coupons for wrist bands will be available at the RSVP booth.
Other events include antique tractor, car and semi-truck shows and tractor pulls.
New to the fair this year is Safety Day on July 28 from 9:30 a.m. to noon. The event, held separately last year for the first time, features discussion of all kinds of safety issues, including bicycle and pedestrian, fire, gun and hunting, water and flood, and pesticide and weeds. Representatives from the Carson City Fire Department, Nevada Department of Wildlife, Carson City Weed Coalition, and other agencies will be on hand for demonstrations on the grassy area near the dog park on the west side of the park. The first 300 kids receive a free T-shirt and goodie bag.
Tickets are on sale for concerts on July 27 and 28.
Journey Unlimited, a Journey cover band, will play July 27. David John and the Comstock Cowboys will play July 28.
Tickets are $15 for adults; $10 for ages 16 and younger; a family four-pack is $45. Purchase tickets for both nights for $25 for adults; $15 for youth; and $80 for a family.
To purchase tickets and for a complete fair schedule, go to http://carsoncitynvfair.visitcarsoncity.com.
All volunteers will receive a commemorative T-shirt and water. Sign up at http://signup.com/go/snLEkcc or call 775-887-2252.