Development fees committee before Carson City supervisors

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The Board of Supervisors on Thursday will vote to create a new advisory committee considering impact fees for new development.

The Carson City Capital Improvements Advisory Committee would consist of the Planning Commission plus two other members who are representatives from the building, real estate, or development industries. The committee makes recommendations to the supervisors.

The goal is to look at instituting impact fees on new development to cover costs associated with growth, such as additional fire or police services and new infrastructure such as sewer, water, and street projects.

The committee would also look at land use and growth assumptions, something the Planning Commission is experienced in.

The committee is required by Nevada law if the city wants to impose impact fees.

The supervisors will also vote to appoint Rob McFadden, Builders Alliance president, and Stephen Lincoln, nominated by the Sierra Nevada Association of Realtors, to the committee if it’s formed.

The board will consider two items on a portion of Lompa Ranch south of 5th Street, about 27 acres at the east end of Railroad Drive and west of I-580.

One item would form a Specific Plan Area that lays out the rules for future development and the other would rezone the property from agriculture to single-family 6000.

At the Planning Commission meeting where the changes were first considered, nearby residents spoke out in opposition primarily due to concerns about traffic. The property is landlocked and the only access currently is from Railroad Drive. The plan area would require a developer to put in a second access road to be used for emergencies and to be converted to a full access street if traffic on Railroad Drive becomes a problem.

The board will hear its first update from the executive director and principal of the Carson Montessori School on efforts to relocate the school.

The school is on Mouton Drive in a limited industrial zone. Last year, the school appealed a Planning Commission denial of a special use permit to expand at its current location. The supervisors granted the appeal, but placed a two-year limit on the permit and required officials from the school to report back on progress made to relocate.

The supervisors will appoint from among seven applicants who applied for four openings on the Culture and Tourism Board, and appoint Adriana Fralick, interim deputy city manager, as the acting public guardian while the city recruits for the position. The current guardian, Deborah Marzoline, is retiring on Friday.

The Board of Supervisors meets at 8:30 a.m. in the Sierra Room, Carson City Community Center, 851 E. William St.