Carson City starts weed abatement

Hoary cress, a common noxious weed in Carson City.

Hoary cress, a common noxious weed in Carson City.

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Weed abatement on Carson City’s open space and city-owned parks started last week with a contracting crew spraying selected areas.

The bad news is heavy precipitation means more weeds. The good news is they should be easier to eradicate this year.

“There was a lot of flooding last year that made treatment hard,” said Lyndsey Boyer, senior natural resource specialist, Parks, Recreation and Open Space.

The city is holding a series of events this month to educate residents about local noxious weeds — pepperweed, poison hemlock, hoary cress, Canada thistle, and various other thistles — and enlist their support in controlling them.

On June 14, the Carson City Weed Coalition is hosting a walk at Morgan Mill open space from 6-7:30 p.m.

“We’ll be talking about noxious weeds, identifying them in the field, we’ll see them where they grow, and talking about treatment options,” said Boyer.

The walk will include a site where the coalition in conjunction with the Colorado Department of Agriculture will be conducting an experimental treatment of Canada thistle, applying a fungus called Puccinia punctiformis.

“The fungus will be sprinkled on top of existing Canada thistle and then moves down into the roots to overwinter,” said Marenna Disbro, the coalition’s weeds coordinator. “In early spring, new Canada thistle shoots will emerge and, if inoculation was successful, will already show signs of infection. The fungus spreads to neighboring plants via wind-blown spores, and the cycle starts again.”

Disbro said the experimental treatment, which will be applied here in the fall, has demonstrated 45 to 100 percent mortality within one to five years.

On June 19, the coalition is holding a workshop in the Sierra Room at the Carson City Community Center, from 5:30-7 p.m., and attendees are encouraged to bring weeds from their backyard for help identifying them.

People can do the same on June 25 when the coalition is holding “BYONW — Bring Your Own Noxious Weeds” at Shoe Tree Brewing Co. from 6-7:30 p.m.

The coalition also wants residents to report any weeds they find hiking or walking by contacting Disbro at or 775-283-7035. Include photos, if possible, and the location.

Weed sitings can also be reported to the coalition’s Facebook page, www.facebook/ccweeds, where there’s updated information on any events.


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