Nevada superintendents meeting on school safety

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Nevada’s School District Superintendents will meet Monday at the Capitol to begin the discussion about how to improve school safety in the state.

Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval announced plans for the gathering a week ago after returning from the National Governors Association winter session in Washington, D.C., where national school safety was a key issue.

The meeting will be held in the Guinn Room at 3 p.m. and video conferenced to the governor’s conference room in Las Vegas.

Sandoval said when announcing plans for the gathering ensuring the safety of children in their classrooms is of paramount importance and this meeting should “be the beginning of a frank and honest discussion on safe communities.”

But he has said major changes to the nation’s gun laws should come from the federal level so they’re uniform across state lines.

However, he said many other changes and solutions should come from discussions at the state and local levels.

He said the discussion could lead to an executive order creating a commission on school safety in Nevada and possible recommendations for statutory changes by the 2019 Legislature.