Senator Square: Science fiction & fantasy interclass writing competition yields winners

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What a blast it is to participate in competitive endeavors and events, whether the competitors be children or world class champions, whether the challenge be a sporting event or a writing competition. Twice every school year, the Carson High School Science Fiction and Fantasy classes, also known as English IV incognito, participate in an interclass writing contest. During first quarter, students study the genre of horror and the structure of all fictional literature using what is called the Freytag Pyramid Model. After coming up with a pen name, they then write their short horror stories paying particular attention to structure and readability. Creating a pen name, an alias, a pseudonym is next. This alleviates all bias because no one knows if the writer is even male or female, let alone other potentially bias laden factors. For instance, and not surprisingly, one popular name is Justin Time. Even the teacher is not allowed to participate in the reading of the papers and gets them at the end in order to read and grade them himself. Next, students form five groups of five and are given the stories from the other class. A1 is given the stories from A5 and vice versa. This is where phase one of the competition begins. Each group then reads and chooses the best story of their initial five. The following class, phase two begins with each group receiving a copy of the final top five stories. They read them and then choose the best story yet again in order to narrow it down to a first, second, and third place winner. For the second writing competition of the year, first place in the A1 block went to CHS Senior Laycee Weatherman, second place to Jasmin Gil Caballero, and third place to Lissette Rivas. In the A5 block, winners were Lorena Jiminez, first place, Matt Gibson, second place, and Juan Carlos Aguilar winning third place. Though winning is fun, the same people do not win every time, and tennis star Boris Becker summed it up best when he said, “I love winning, I can take the losing, but most of all I love to play.” For love of the game, congratulations to all those who love competition and play fairly.


On March 21, students attended a Meet the Principal session after school for a general Q and A with the Principal Tasha Fuson. Questions ranged from, “How did you become a Principal” to questions surrounding absences. Both Principal Fuson and the students learned a great deal from each other during the 30 minute session. Next up is Donuts with the Deans.


Greater Nevada Credit Union Education Branch Coordinator Julie Slocum called attention to all CHS Seniors and asked them if they wanted a chance to win $235 of Prom valuables, and the winner was Raul Lopez-Camarena. Raul, the lucky CHS Senior, just won two prom tickets, an $80 value, a prom floral package, probably somewhat expensive, too, and a $100 Adele’s gift card. Congratulations to Raul and the lucky lady fortunate enough to accompany him to the 2018 CHS Prom. Raul still has to ask her father for permission of course, so good luck, Raul.


Greater Nevada Credit Union Education Branch Coordinator Julie Slocum, along with Dawn Cuellar, President of the Parent Band Boosters and VP Michelle Bowler, presented CHS Band Director William Zabelsky with a check to the Blue Thunder Marching Band last week at the Band-O-Rama at CHS. The check represents funds raised at the CHS football and basketball games for the band, with a matching amount of $1,000 from GNCU. GNCU, who became an official sponsor of the CHS band in 2015, helps raise funds for the band’s programs and equipment. Immediately after the check presentation, a donor appreciation plaque was presented to GNCU for their dedication and generous support.


The “Midnight Blues” Jazz Ensemble played at the NZNMEA (Northern Zone Nevada Music Educators) “Night of Jazz” last Wednesday in neighboring Douglas County. As always, they had a stellar performance and were the class of the zone. Friday morning, they gave an encore performance in Senator Square; however, let be known, they have been anxiously awaiting spring break, and it is finally here.


Seniors, time is flying by, and graduation is just around the bend. The guidance office needs CHS seniors to provide their full legal name as they would like it to appear on their diplomas. Seniors may fill out a graduation information card in the guidance office or submit one on Edmodo. Submissions are due by April 3.


CHS Speech and Debate competed at the state tournament in Las Vegas last weekend. Mary Milburn placed in the top with her program oral interpretation piece which combines poetry, prose, and literature. Her program included pieces by Savannah Brown, Stephen Chbosky, and Jesse Andrews. Sadie Share and Evan Cherpeski advanced to quarter finals in public forum debating with whether or not the current authorization of use of military force gives the president too much power. CHS debaters also competed in the annual Rotary speaking contest, and Ivy Campbell took first, Sophia Peterson second, and Emerson Spence took third. Ivy and Sophia advance to the area contest at Mont Bleu April 6.


CHS PTSA held a Reflections Contest with the theme “Within Reach.” All work was 100 percent original with no copyrighted material, and the categories were literature, photography, musical composition, dance, and film. Entries were submitted to CHS teacher Wendy Tims, and the following students are the winners: Jessica Preston won for Visual Arts Welding and Paint, and Makenzie McDaniel won for Photography. Both individuals will receive a $100 prize for winning their category. The winners will receive their awards April 9 during the PTSA meeting.


Seniors, prom tickets are on sale now through April 6, and this does not include spring break. Each ticket is $40 and may be purchased before school, at lunch, or after school at the Student Store. Tickets will not be sold at the door.


Applications are still being accepted for CTE Jump Start for next school year. Juniors who are interested in Advanced Manufacturing, Auto Tech, Construction Management or Cyber Security may get a head start on a career path with great employment potential, at no cost to them. Students are being asked to pick up an application in the guidance office or talk to their counselors for more information. Applications must be returned to the guidance office no later than April 9.


Due to inclement weather, the 8th Annual Safe Grad 5K Run & Walk had to be canceled; however, the amazing Safe Grad Committee decided to reschedule for a potentially warmer day with less snow, so it is time once again for a great workout at CHS to both support its students and potentially win a race, not to mention avoid a heart attack. Presented by Carson High Safe Grad Booster, the 5K Run & Walk at the CHS track facility is set for April 14 at 10 a.m. Registration and raffle tickets may still be purchased by going to, or mail in a form and check to CHSGB, PO Box 486, Carson City 89702. Late registration begins at 8:30 a.m., check-in time begins at 9, and the race begins promptly at 10. For information, contact CHS Safe Grad Secretary Wendy Yang at 775-720-6160, President Kyra Hinton at 434-760-0635, email, or go to


Tesla is looking for 2018 graduates. Seniors interested in working for Tesla after graduating from CHS need to stop by Room 104 to complete the information form and pre-application. Students must bring a current resume as well. Interviews will be conducted April 26 during the Tesla tour. This is getting real, CHS seniors.


The CHS Student of the Week is Fatima Uribe, a bright and talented young lady who intends to become a neurosurgeon one day. Fatima is currently taking the following classes: Health Science, French, Honors Geometry, Honors Biology, Honors English, and Physical Education. About her classes, Fatima said “My favorite class is Honors English with Mr. Brady because I like the way we learn; we all pitch in ideas and it’s not just lecture.” In her free time, Fatima likes landscape photography, helping out at St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Church, and participating in the many fun events at CHS. Congratulations to Fatima Uribe for being such an inspiration and positive example to others.

Phil Brady is an English teacher at CHS.


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