The Popcorn Stand: Droopy Dog could have used Prozac

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One of my favorite cartoons was “Droopy Dog.” You remember the dog with the droopy face who always seemed so sad, but yet was always one step ahead of his adversary.

I have to admit I’ve run across people who have a not so upbeat disposition and have given them the nickname Droopy Dog.

It’s a good thing, though, they didn’t have anti-depressant drugs back then because Droopy may have been to pepped up to ever solve a case.

It seems, though, we’re now taking to giving our pet dogs the same kinds of psychiatric medications we humans take. That actually makes sense since dogs have the same kind of problems we have and may actually copy the psychological quirks of their owners.

They suffer from separation anxiety, compulsive behaviors and phobias like we do. Or they may show aggression like many humans do.

Of course therapy dogs and therapy pets in general I think no doubt help humans even though the evidence to back that up is questioned since we haven’t gotten to the point yet where we allow a therapy peacock onto a flight. Recently, someone actually tried to bring a therapy peacock on a flight and was denied.

But of course dogs need emotional support too and what happens when that emotional support isn’t enough? As Yogi Berra said, “Only in America” do we resort to drugs.

Eight percent of dog owners in this country give their dogs medications for anxiety. Of course much like with humans we can debate the validity of giving dogs these medications. Again, like humans, there’s probably the legitimate need to give dogs drugs — and the chance those drugs would be abused.

Thankfully, I have no need or desire to give Pete the Shih Tzu or Tuf Tuf (you know Sir Tuffington something or other) the Jack Russell any drugs when it comes to mental health issues.

Droopy Dog would be proud.

— Charles Whisnand