The Popcorn Stand: ‘Joggling’ the mind; another world record

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My fascination with world records continues but this one actually does make sense to me and someday I do hope it becomes an Olympic sport.

Zach Prescott, a Massachusetts college student, has set the world record for “joggling” — that is jogging and juggling at the same time.

Now this is one world record that makes sense to me. My guess is Prescott, who’s actually a competitive college runner, also likes to juggle. So he probably thought asked himself one day if he could run and juggle at the same time and decided to try it.

Prescott set the one-mile joggling world record while juggling three lacrosse balls with a time of 4 minutes, 43.2 seconds. That sounds pretty fast to me. Who knows, maybe someday Prescott will be right up there with Roger Bannister and will break the 4-minute joggling mile.

What also caught my attention was the fact Prescott broke the old record by a scant .6 of a second. Can you imagine the drama if somebody like Al Michaels was announcing that race in the Olympics with that close of a finish to a world record? “Do you believe in jugglers? — YES!”

And why stop with the joggling mile. I would love to see the 4x400 joggling relay.

Now that would be some joggling act.

— Charles Whisnand