Faith & Insight: Do you know Christ?

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I have a young lady in our youth group who knows everything there is to know about Harry Potter. She knows the characters, the books, the movies, everything. She is a big Harry Potter fan.

I have a friend who knows all about fishing. He can tell you the best tackle to use and the best time to fish just about every creek, lake and river in Northern Nevada. He is a great fisherman.

We all have interests and know trivial things. I am a fan of the founding of our country and the writing of the Constitution. I’ve read books and know little-known facts about the American Revolution. But with Sunday being the day we celebrate the resurrection of Christ the question I have for myself and for you is, “Do you know Christ?”

Philippians 3:10-11 I want to know Christ – yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.

While knowing the world around us and having interests is all part of our lives the Bible teaches us that knowing Christ gives us life. Do you know Christ? Have you experienced the power of his resurrection?

Having spent most of my younger years lost in sin and addiction I have to say, or even shout: I know Christ and I know the power of his resurrection! I was lost and without hope. I saw no way out and carried guilt and shame. Christ came into my life and turned it around. He took me, when I was dead in my sins, and made me alive again. He resurrected my life. Do you know Christ? Have you experienced the power of his resurrection?

As we celebrate the resurrection let’s take a moment and make sure we experience this resurrection as well. Jesus came to give us life and that more abundant (John 10:10). If you are hopeless or feel lost Jesus can turn that around for you and give you life. Embrace Christ and make knowing him utmost in your life.

Capt. Mark Cyr is pastor of The Salvation Army, 911 E. Second St. Carson City, NV 89701. For information go to


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