Letters to the Editor for December 25, 2019

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A gift of life

How has your life been? This is my story and it is true. I am getting older every year. I am reaching 86, yes, I’m no spring chicken, not everyone will reach this goal. But as long as I live, I will share my remarkable story. I had cancer not once, not twice but three times in my life.

What I am about to tell you is true. This was God’s doing. I know it was, and I would like to share this with you. My family doctor told me he was concerned about my test results. He told me he would like to make an appointment with my specialist here in Carson City. The appointment was made, so I followed through with another doctor. He also did a lot more tests. I was called back to come into the office for the test results. This was in June.

I went in and waited for him. Soon, he came in, sat down, then he told me my test results were not good.

“You have cancer, and I am not going to do your surgery because you will die on the table.”

How do you think I felt? That was an unexpected blow — not a very nice way to tell someone that you’re going to die. I left his office and went back to California. A well-known cancer doctor said he would like to see me. It was almost the end of June. An appointment was made very quickly.

I walked into his office and went into a room waiting for him. He walked into the room, sat down by me with all the test results in his hand and told me, “I will help you.” All of a sudden, I felt this warm feeling and I was at peace. I told him, “I am so ready.” This doctor and his team of five doctors started preparing me for surgery, more tests, 30 days of radiation. On Oct. 5, 2014 (my birthday), I went into surgery. The doctor followed as I was wheeled in. We spoke to each other. “I have so much faith in you.” Then I said to him, “You just do your part, God will do his.” His response to me: “I will do my very best.” “I know you will.”

Hours later, I woke up in ICU. I was alive. Tears ran down my cheeks. Thank you, thank you, thank you, God, for getting me through this. Three months later, I was released from the rehab center in Sacramento, just in time for Christmas. I am OK. I am so thankful to Dr. Canter and his team of five for helping me and also God for taking over that day in October.

Wishing you God’s love at Christmas. Just remember, “He is the reason for the season.”


Betty Hundrieser

Carson City


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