Past Pages for Feb. 20-23, 2019

Carson City looking north from the top of the Capitol building in 1871.

Carson City looking north from the top of the Capitol building in 1871.

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150 years ago

Sent to the Governor. Mr. King reported as correctly enrolled the Act appropriating $100,000 for the erection of a State Capitol Building. Also, an Act to aid in the erection of the National Lincoln Monument.

130 years ago

Nevada Winter Weather. In Nevada we are having what may be called Summer in Winter. This climatic phenomenon has now become chronic. The atmosphere, earth and heavens have accepted the situation. The sky is wearing its summer hue. In the east each evening is seen at sunset the blue, purple orange and vermillion belt characteristic of June, July and August. — Dan DeQuille

100 years ago

Experiments which have been conducted at the mill of the Tonopah Belmont Development company under the direction of the Merrill brothers San Francisco for the purpose of regenerating cyanide after it has passed through the tanks are said to be a complete success.

80 years ago

Nearly 2,000 Nevada children have had their teeth examined this year in the traveling dental unit of the state division of dental hygiene, according to State Health Officer John E. Worden. Forty-two Nevada towns were listed. The licensed dentist operating the traveling unit made 9,098 treatments.

50 years ago

The Nevada Legislature, over objections from Clark County representatives, defeated a measure Friday which would have scuttled a proposed University of Nevada medical school in Reno.

30 years ago

Gov. Bob Miller is driving two new $33,000 midnight blue Lincoln Town Cars at the courtesy of two Nevada car dealerships. The Las Vegas and Reno dealers leased the cars to Miller for $1 a month each.


150 years ago

Amusements for White Pine. A troupe comprised of Tony Ward, Billy Robinson, Sam Dennis and the Pixley Sisters are about to striating for White Pine where a theater hall is in readiness. Out of the joy and satisfaction that is to spring from this venture of our histrionic friends will come the self gratulations of hardy adventurers of the new silverland, who standing in exultation within and about the unbrageous groves of Chloride flat, will exclaim, “There is a pleasure in the pathless wood.” Go on brave Thespians and take an old man’s blessings with you!”

130 years ago

Convinced. Dr. Guion accepted Dr. Lee’s invitation yesterday to go into the Ormsby House and inspect the small pox cases there. Dr. Guion, donning on an old suit of clothes, went in and got to the door where the patients were. He took one look and sniffed one good sniff of the atmosphere and remarking, “I am satisfied,” started down the stairs where he spent a half hour disinfecting. He informed an Appeal representative that it was Simon sure small pox and the worst cases he ever saw.

100 years ago

Nevada stockmen must have been feeding on gall bladders, judging from their request that the legislature appropriate $35,000 for maintenance and support of the Rabies commission. — Tonopah Bonanza

80 years ago

July 1, the traditional annual meeting date of the Lincoln Highway association, has been set as Lincoln Highway Day at the San Francisco World’s Fair.

50 years ago

(Photo Caption) Two Governors. William Knight, an Eagle Scout from Winnemucca, talks on the private phone of Gov. Paul Laxalt during today’s observance of the annual Boy Scout Government day in Nevada.

30 years ago

Micheal Leif Anderson, 19, of Carson City announced recently that he has been called to serve a two-year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in London, England. During his mission, Anderson will receive no payment for his services, but will be supported by his family and by money which saved working at summer jobs.


150 years ago

Vagabond cattle, horses, mules, pigs goats and colts will ruin what trees are planted upon the Plaza if our citizens do not take steps to repair the fence. Let there be a subscription taken up toward making such repairs; and while we are about it, let us raise a fund for purchasing a setting out some hundreds of new trees upon that piece of ground (the capitol grounds).

130 years ago

Some naughty boys were taken before Justice Hawthorne yesterday and fined five dollars for breaking the windows of Num the Chinese chair mender.

100 years ago

Frank B. Miner, a Reno man, saved up $1,180 in cold cash which he intended yesterday to invest in the chicken business. He left the money and his wife at a Reno motel on Monday night. When he returned both were missing. Inquiries developed that the woman had seen leaving the city in the company of a man in uniform. Authorities are now looking for Eva Miner on the charge of embezzlement.

80 years ago

The Capitol City Mortuary has received an interesting communication from A.J. Harder, “chief justice of the supreme court” of the “Whiskerinos of the World.” About four years ago one Zachary Wilcox died in Carson and it was requested, since he was the crown Prince of the Whiskerinos of the World, that his 14-foot long beard be delivered onto the hands of the Whiskerinos of the World as a memento of his nobility. “Please make a search and in the event that you find them, telegraph me at my expense, otherwise write the sad news.”

50 years ago

Rushing toward final action, both houses of the Nevada legislature scheduled hearings today on the administration’s bill for a Lake Tahoe regional agency.

30 years ago

The rule of thumb around here is that it costs an average of $600 for every bill considered by the Legislature. Since more than 2,700 bills already are being prepared by the Legislature’s attorneys, some obviously are less than scintillating. In past sessions, legislators even introduced competing bills to name the state’s “official monster.”

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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