Fairview Drive reconstruction delayed by 1 year

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The Fairview Drive reconstruction project is being delayed by a year to coincide with the South Carson Street project.

The Carson Area Metropolitan Planning Organization on Wednesday amended its 2018-2021 Transportation Improvement Program, which included an increase in the Fairview Drive project’s cost from $592,583 to $607,583 and a delay to federal fiscal year 2020.

The project will reconstruct and patch Fairview Drive between Carson and Roop streets.

The amendment also added two Carson City road projects: the Airport Road sewer project, which is being funded in part by a $168,421 Surface Transportation Block Grant, and the multi-use path from Colorado Street to Edmonds Sport Complex being funded by $1.6 million in Transportation Alternatives Program grant funds.

The Airport Road project overall is a $2.45 million project to replace sewer and water lines and reconstruct the road from Highway 50 to Minonee Lane. The remaining funding will be $1.7 million from the Sewer Fund and $600,000 from the Water Fund.

CAMPO is also posting for public comment an amendment to shift funding in its Unified Planning Work Program, including adding money to the Transit Development and Coordinated Plan. Public comment can be sent to comments@carsonareampo.com or by calling 775-887-2355 until Feb. 9.

The Regional Transportation Commission, which meets after CAMPO, canceled an agreement with the Nevada Department of Transportation and replaced it with a new pact on the South Carson Street project.

The change means Carson City will receive $1.22 million from the state’s gas tax revenue rather from federal grants for pedestrian improvements.

Lucia Maloney, transportation manager, said the new agreement will streamline the funding process and give the city more latitude in how the money is spent. Previously, it could only be spent on sidewalks in a certain portion of South Carson Street and can now be used anywhere along the project corridor.