Senator Square: Carson High grads prepare seniors for college

CHS teacher Tod Jennings greeting one of his students in the Jan. 10 Mob the Halls event.

CHS teacher Tod Jennings greeting one of his students in the Jan. 10 Mob the Halls event.

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Decided where to go to college yet? Filled out all the applications? Been accepted? Now what? As if that was not difficult enough, now comes the time to think about moving, what to take, what not to take, whether or not it is better to live in the dorms or get an apartment. And then there is the toughest question of all: refrigeration? College life is scary at first. Want some tips and advice to make the transition easier? Come and find the answers with “The Real Life of College: Through the Eyes of Former CHS Grads” Jan. 17 in the CHS library beginning at 5:30 p.m. This fun and informative night is sponsored by the CHS PTSA, and…wait for it…includes refreshments. This is a great opportunity to speak with current college students, those who have inside experience about what to expect. Moreover, National Honors Society members may earn points for attending this event as well. Once the former CHS graduates are finished answering questions, it will be time once again to look for some more free money in Senator Scholarship Scoop, online at Sure, it is there every Monday with the latest news about scholarships, testing, college visits and grants, but procrastination is not going to get anyone any scholarships. Graduation is 21 weeks away, so do not be left wondering what to do next. Need help filling out applications for Federal Student Aid? CHS provides some amazing help with that challenge too, so come and get some “how to” tips Wednesdays after school in room 257. College Connections will provide guidance for college applications, scholarship applications and assisting students with applying for FAFSA because it is not too late to accomplish these tasks. In fact, a representative from UNR will be at CHS Jan. 15 at 1:15 in the Tech Center Conference room so, stop by the CHS Guidance Office for a pass, and while there let them know where and to what college transcripts should be sent. Finally, and this is something important to think about, Arnold Schwarzenegger said, “I’ll be back!” not “I’ll be back ... later.” The Terminator was not a procrastinator.


The CHS Jazz Ensemble, directed by CHS teacher and Director of Bands William Zabelsky, was given the honor of performing for Governor Steve Sisolak’s Inauguration at the Nevada Capitol Building Jan. 7 at 9:15 a.m.


Administrators and teachers participated in the Social and Emotional Learning Committee’s directive to Mob the Halls and Dress for Success Jan. 10 at 7:00 a.m. and throughout the day. Mob the Halls began in the morning with greeting CHS students as they arrived to school with fabulous smiles, fist bumps, and high fives. Then, many students and staff participated throughout the day in the monthly Dress for Success Challenge. The amazing participants dressed in career appropriate attire in order to show off and look impressive as modeling is one way in which positive or negative behavior is learned. Everyone willing then nominated students and their fellow colleagues for a chance to win a Dutch Bros. or Starbucks gift card. Pictures were taken, and fun was had at the best rural high school in Nevada. The results from the Dress for Success Challenge go to sophomore Owen Carlson for best dressed student and Mrs. Lynette Gardner for best dressed staff. The winners are displayed on the announcement monitors in Senator Square, and they received their gift card Jan. 11.


Maker Monday at the CHSenators Library is an opportunity for students to ease their brains back into school, most of them slept in every day during the Holiday break, so to help them get back into the swing of things they are asked to come by the library at lunch, and get creative. Jan. 7 activity was ‘alcohol tiles,’ making it a colorful Monday in the library. According to Albert Einstein, “Creativity is intelligence having fun.” Self-care, social-emotional learning, emotional intelligence are current education buzzwords rooted in the need to connect as humans. When local school volunteer Bobbi Westphall offered her creative energy to partner with the CHS Library, the idea of Maker Monday was born. Students and staff are invited to stop by the library on Mondays at lunch to create, connect and practice self-care. Westphall has provided the materials and guidance for workshops on jewelry and alcohol/ink tiles. When asked why she would give time and materials for this, she said, “I enjoy it, and I want others to enjoy having fun being creative.” Another volunteer, Holly Kuhlmann, will be leading crochet and knitting workshops in the future. Students have requested beatboxing and building birdhouses, so the librarian, Ananda Campbell, is seeking local volunteers to lead lunchtime workshops in the future. The response to Maker Monday has been positive. Ninth grade student Heaven Guillemin created a tile collage and said, “I love the colors; I like the options, and I can make something fast.” 10th grade student Jana Matthews said, “I love it.” Matthews added, “It helps me relax and connect with others, and I like not being on a screen and challenging my creative side.” A group of students, who usually eat lunch together, stopped by to create ink tiles. Brian Lopez, Juliana Diaz, Dani Diaz, and Mario Diaz said, “Doing this calms us down; we do not usually do art, but I like these, and it is a good way to spend lunch…pretty chill.” The CHSenators Library is a great place to learn, to make, and to just be. For more information about this, please call Ananda Campbell, Library Media Specialist CCSD Library Coordinator, at 775-283-1641, or email her at


The Fellowship of Athletes want to thank Carson City for its success in selling all of their Christmas trees. According to FCA area leader and Pastor, Tim Plummer, “Well, the tree lot went great; we sold all our trees and were blessed by all the youth from many different schools and churches who helped serve.” Plummer also said, “We were able to help families in need from six different schools this year, and money left over will support our local FCA Huddles at CHS, CMS, DHS, CVMS and help start new Huddles in surrounding areas.” CHS Advisor Ty McMillen is always working to foster unity and support of the students. Leaders of CHS FCA include teacher and adviser Ty McMillen, Charles Mann, Joe Clark, Nate Girdner, and Phil Brady, and Kurt Katzorke, Youth Pastor at Hilltop Community Church.


Seniors, miss the most important photo of the high school career? There is going to be one last opportunity senior photo shoot Jan. 15 in the Spin Room of CHS. Sign up at and


The deadline has been extended for the Carson City Health & Human Services art contest. Remember, they are remodeling their clinic and need student art work. The competition will award the top three with prizes and their work will be displayed in the new clinic. The theme is ‘Carson City Winter’, and any form of art is acceptable as long as it is able to hang on the wall, is no larger than 20” x 20”, contains the artist’s full name and home address on the back and is submitted to Mrs. Gustafson in room 206 by Jan. 25.


Now is the time to consider volunteering as a member of the 2018-19 CHS Safe Grad Committee. Meetings occur the second Saturday every month at Remax Realty, 716 North Carson Street on the 2nd floor. Contact CHS Safe Grad Secretary, Wendy Yang at 720-6160, President Kyra Hinton at 434-760-0635, or email for details. The upcoming Safe Grad fundraising event is the CHS Safe and Sober 5k Run/Walk Feb. 9, and the runner’s application is found at Safe Grad is looking for sponsors and raffle prize donations too, so call Social Media Advertising Coordinator, Nubia Leon.


Spring Sports registration for baseball, softball, track & field, swim, and boys and girls golf will run through Feb. 19. Students need to upload the correct forms: Form B NIAA Pre-Participation History Form is required once a school year, Form D NIAA Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation is required every two years, and a student body card is also required to participate in a sport. Any questions or help are available in the Athletic Office at 283-1601.


Want to learn about college applications and scholarships? Currently, there is an ongoing workshop at CHS in room 257 at lunch to help students prepare applications. Additionally, Senator Scholarship Scoop is online at Click ‘Academics’, then ‘Counseling Department’, and ‘The Scoop’ on the left. Seniors, do not put off stopping by to talk with a college representative in order to find out what options are available. In fact a representative from UNR will be at CHS Jan. 15 at 1:15 in the Tech Center Conference room. Seniors, please stop by the CHS Guidance Office, and let them know where and to what college transcripts should be sent.


Winterfest is almost here, and the Leadership class has determined the theme will be Winterflix, and there will be a meeting Jan 14th in the upstairs cafeteria at 1:15 p.m. for all interested. Student Council is holding a decorating day for 2019 Winterfest Week.Time spent will count for volunteer hours or minutes for NHS students. The 2019 CHS Winterfest week begins Feb. 3 with an assembly, and Feb. 7 is the first dress-up day. There will be daytime activities and nighttime activities all week long. Questions? Well, there is much more to come. Email Leadership Adviser Ann Britt


CHS Athletic Department’s Jan. 7 through 11 Athletes of the Week are Trinity Beard for Girls Varsity Basketball and David Remer for Boys Varsity Wrestling. These athletes, and all students who participate in school functions through leadership, clubs, and sports deserve a high level of recognition and congratulations.


The Student of the Week is Marissa Messmann, a sophomore. She is currently enrolled in Honors History, Honors Algebra II, Honors English II, and Honors Chemistry as well as Engineering, Drama, and Spanish II. Along with these Honors classes, Marissa has somehow found time to be involved in countless other school activities, some of which include Wednesday Night Live, a comedy sketch show put on by the school drama department, a shotput and discus thrower in Track and Field, and a member of National Honor Society. Marissa, a very charismatic, intelligent, and super athletic young girl always finds a way to make her classmates and teachers laugh in any setting. She said, “To me, finding the humor in any situation has always been how I enjoy life, sometimes are easier than others; take Mr. Brady for example, that man is asking to be poked fun at, and making people laugh makes everyone feel good, even at Mr. Brady’s expense.”


Pioneer High School’s Senior in the Spotlight for January is Angel Chavez. Angel has attended PHS since his freshman year and is following a family tradition of Pioneer High graduates; his cousin and three siblings have attended Pioneer. Watching the success of his brothers with early graduation and participation in the JumpStart program is what drew him to the school. During his years at Pioneer, Angel has participated in many extracurricular activities and enrolled in a number of extra classes in an effort to expand his horizons. He has enjoyed skiing, rock climbing, health science, guitar, participating in a HOSA event, working on the yearbook, advanced art, and drama. In June, Angel will be graduating with 30 credits, well beyond the required 24.5. Angel has lived in Carson City since 2007, so most of his schooling was within the Carson City School District. He has a passion for cars, specifically mini-trucks. He enjoys modifying and customizing them. Angel has also put in time volunteering at Classy Seconds thrift store, folding clothes, and cleaning up. He has worked at Jack-in-the-Box, in landscaping and painting, and currently works at Qdoba. After Angel graduates high school, he plans on painting houses with his dad and attending WNC. He would like to pursue a career as an emergency medical technicians or in the field of criminal justice. He also wants to travel, Japan and Germany being at the top of the list. Angel appreciates his time at Pioneer and said, “Thanks to all the staff for helping me succeed.”

Phil Brady is an English teacher at CHS.


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