#UPDATE: Friday, June 21: The NNBV has added a fifth panelist for the July 11 Breakfast & Business event — Tyson K. Falk, a policy analyst at McDonald Carano.
#Tickets cost $20 for NNBV subscribers, and $25 for non-subscribers. Go here to purchase a ticket and learn more.
#The original story from June 18 is below:
#RENO, Nev. — With the 2019 Nevada Legislative session coming to an end, what are the new laws that may impact or change the way we conduct business in Northern Nevada?
#Are we still leading the nation in fostering blockchain transactions? And, outside of the traditional financial institutions, what are other opportunities for lending across Northern Nevada where a borrower may not qualify otherwise?
#Discussions on these topics will be the focus of the Northern Nevada Business View's July Breakfast & Business event, "Finance: Preparing for the Future," from 7-9 a.m.Thursday, July 11, at the Atlantis Casino Resort Spa.
#Our expert panel of professionals from regional financial firms and agencies will tackle several other important issues, such as the current state and future potential of the banking industry; matters associated with investments and stocks; the financial hurdles of starting and selling a business; and the importance of businesses establishing a proper succession plan, among others. Speakers include:
#• Bruce Ford, SVP/Regional Banking Manager, City National Bank
#• Jorge Montoya, Senior Mortgage Banker, Montoya Mortgage Team, Guild Mortgage
#• Teela McCullar, Director, Barnard Vogler & Co.
#• Jennifer Rogers Markwell, Financial Consultant, Platinum Wealth Management
#The NNBV's Breakfast & Business series — sponsored by City National Bank — takes place the first Thursday of each month (excluding January and February; also, the July event is July 11 due to the Independence Day holiday), allowing regional business leaders and residents to network and hear from an expert panel on various topics, all while enjoying a hearty breakfast.
#The July 11 event's featured nonprofit spotlight is Eddy House.
#Tickets cost $20 for NNBV subscribers, and $25 for non-subscribers. Go here to purchase a ticket and learn more.
UPDATE: Friday, June 21: The NNBV has added a fifth panelist for the July 11 Breakfast & Business event — Tyson K. Falk, a policy analyst at McDonald Carano.
Tickets cost $20 for NNBV subscribers, and $25 for non-subscribers. Go here to purchase a ticket and learn more.
The original story from June 18 is below:
RENO, Nev. — With the 2019 Nevada Legislative session coming to an end, what are the new laws that may impact or change the way we conduct business in Northern Nevada?
Are we still leading the nation in fostering blockchain transactions? And, outside of the traditional financial institutions, what are other opportunities for lending across Northern Nevada where a borrower may not qualify otherwise?
Discussions on these topics will be the focus of the Northern Nevada Business View's July Breakfast & Business event, "Finance: Preparing for the Future," from 7-9 a.m.Thursday, July 11, at the Atlantis Casino Resort Spa.
Our expert panel of professionals from regional financial firms and agencies will tackle several other important issues, such as the current state and future potential of the banking industry; matters associated with investments and stocks; the financial hurdles of starting and selling a business; and the importance of businesses establishing a proper succession plan, among others. Speakers include:
• Bruce Ford, SVP/Regional Banking Manager, City National Bank
• Jorge Montoya, Senior Mortgage Banker, Montoya Mortgage Team, Guild Mortgage
• Teela McCullar, Director, Barnard Vogler & Co.
• Jennifer Rogers Markwell, Financial Consultant, Platinum Wealth Management
The NNBV's Breakfast & Business series — sponsored by City National Bank — takes place the first Thursday of each month (excluding January and February; also, the July event is July 11 due to the Independence Day holiday), allowing regional business leaders and residents to network and hear from an expert panel on various topics, all while enjoying a hearty breakfast.
The July 11 event's featured nonprofit spotlight is Eddy House.
Tickets cost $20 for NNBV subscribers, and $25 for non-subscribers. Go here to purchase a ticket and learn more.