Aryanna Dietz works on math skills in Linda King's kindergarten class at Mark Twain Elementary School in Carson City in 2015.
The Carson City School District asks parents to mark their calendars for Monday to begin registering children who will be 5 years old by Sept. 30 and eligible for kindergarten for the coming 2019-20 school year.
Full-day kindergarten classes are offered at all elementary schools in Carson City. Contact your neighborhood school for registration:
Bordewich Bray Elementary, 775-283-2400
Empire Elementary, 775-283-1100
Fremont Elementary, 775-283-1200
Fritsch Elementary, 775-283-1400
Mark Twain Elementary, 775-283-1000
Seeliger Elementary, 775-283-2200
To review school boundaries, check the district’s website at and click on “School Zones” under the “Parents” tab or view the CCSD SchoolSite Locator on the district’s website.
Parents are invited to visit their child’s prospective school in person between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. to provide the following required documents to register: birth certificate, immunization records (including hepatitis A and B, DTAP, MMR, IPV and varicella — contact your physician’s office to ensure compliance for school) and proof of residency in Carson City (utility bill, mortgage or rental papers, voter registration, etc.).
Additionally, children who will be 4 years old by Sept. 30 and whose family qualifies under the federal household poverty guidelines can apply for the district’s pre-kindergarten program for the 2019-20 school year. There is limited space for pre-kindergarten students zoned for the following schools: Bordewich Bray, Empire, Fremont and Mark Twain Elementary schools. At this time, Fritsch and Al Seeliger schools will not be accepting pre-kindergarten applications.
Applications for pre-K in Carson City can be submitted beginning March 11 at 604 W. Musser St., Carson City, Nev. 89703. Click on “Pre-K” under the “Parents” tab on the district’s website. Parents should direct any pre-K inquiries to Katie McDowell at 775-283-1509.