Past Pages for March 23-26, 2019

Carson City looking north from the top of the Capitol building in 1871.

Carson City looking north from the top of the Capitol building in 1871.

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150 Years Ago

All sorts: The stage from Reno, Hank Monk, driver, arrived last evening with Sacramento papers from yesterday. We are indebted to Agent Dorsey of the Union Express.

140 Years Ago

Bowers Mansion haunted: An old story is revived purporting that Bowers Mansion was haunted. It is a story firmly believed by spiritualists and superstitious people.

Two young men of Carson are bent upon reviving this old story and visited Washoe Valley, and slept at Bowers Mansion, occupying separate rooms — one reading in bed by lamplight until 11 o’clock when his lamp was extinguished as if blown out by human breath. He struck a match and re-lit the lamp, but it was blown out again.

He called his friend to light the lamp in his room, but it met the same fate. Both of the men swore that the house was haunted so they hastily dressed themselves, left the building and wandered about the grounds until early morning.

Three young men from Franktown determined to test the ghost story the following night, slept in the same room occupied by the Carsonites. These men had the same trouble, but did not leave the building. They decided to investigate the mystery which was soon solved by finding the upper window sashes lowered in the rooms occupied by them where a wind strong enough to blow out any light, would happen.

130 Years Ago

All sorts: Washoe Lake is so low that the back fins of the fish begin to show above water.

Mrs. Van Dyke San Francisco (nee Laura Winston) gave birth to a child – and in a few hours her husband died of heart disease.

110 Years Ago

Here and there: Dick Jose and Mrs. Jose are expected here in June. (Dick Jose, famous counter-tenor).

Willie Carter, a small boy, was bitten by a dog last night – slightly.

Work is progressing on the new front for the Rinckel building.

50 Years Ago

Library bond: The of Ormsby County Fair and Recreation Board won approval for a $700,000 bond to finance a new civic center and recreation complex. The county library is in the present civic auditorium, and when basketball is played on the floor above, workers suffer from falling plaster.

20 Years Ago

Photo caption: For the first time, in an extensive Barbara Walters interview, Monica Lewinsky broke her silence about her relationship with President Clinton and her life after the shocking revelation of their affair.


150 Years Ago

Water supply: Ed Sweeney has completed the laying of large iron pipes the entire length of King Street to Carson Street. This will bring a water supply to the town from the hills to the west of Carson City. He will also run pipes the length of Carson street if sufficient encouragement is made. The fall is sufficient to take water to the top of the highest buildings.

140 Years Ago

Settle up: The saloon keepers are going to organize themselves into a protective association for the purpose of collecting bills due them by parties who have joined the Temperance Order.

Free swim: Messrs. Butts and George visited the Orphans Home and took them to visit the Springs to take a swim. They had a glorious time.

130 Years Ago

All sorts: The Truckee companies have formed an ice trust.

It is claimed that Dr. Guion has a horse that harnesses itself.

This paper pays no attention to big fish catches unless some of the string is left at this office as a guarantee of good faith.

110 Years Ago

Nearly killed: William Lindsay was nearly killed at the Adams’ gypsum quarry. He was trying to pry some loose rock that failed to fall after the blasts. After being pulled out of the mass of earth, it was found that his foot was badly crushed and that amputation necessary. Dr. Huffaker was taken to the quarry and gave Lindsey first aid as he went to the hospital in Reno.

50 Years Ago

Photo caption: Teens start fund drive – Members of the Carson High School Safety Club will begin selling packages of flares to raise funds for a Carson City woman, who is paralyzed and in need of medical equipment. First customer in the door-to-door campaign was Sheriff Robert Humphrey who bought the safety devices. The flares will cost $1.50 each with profits going to help Mrs. Judie Ashurst, who was paralyzed in an automobile accident.

20 Years Ago

Gas prices up: Several weeks ago, gas stations were in the 99 cents per gallon range. The closing of the Tosco plant has had an impact said George Kinney, manager of the Carson City Shell. “Unleaded regular gas was at $1.39. Two days ago, it was at $1.29, and a little before that $1.25.”


150 Years Ago

Putting in seed: Carson Valley farmers are sowing wheat and barley and pink-eye potatoes – less liable to injury from frost.

140 Years Ago

All sorts: The walking mania has reached Belmont. Two gentlemen are matched to walk 100 miles in 24 hours.

130 Years Ago

Sunday fishing, views of local citizens:

Bob Hofer: I don’t think regular church goers ought to fish on the Lord’s day – except, possibly, for catfish.

Governor Kinkead: I belong to the Vestry of St. Peter’s; that is, I think I do. I think Mr. Yerington invited me to go fishing on Sunday in a quiet manner at Washoe lake.

Judge Belknap: I was a member of the Vestry. I do not fish on Sundays. The fish laws change so fast that it is hard to keep track of them.

Mr. Mills: As Fish Commissioner, I think there should be a stop put on Sunday fishing. The fish thrive better if they have a chance to rest. If I had my way, I would arrest every man who fished on the Sabbath.

Miles Johnson: I do not belong to any church. Left the First Presbyterian Church when I was a boy, the rules were too strict.

110 Years Ago

Briggs House: Workmen have been engaged in remodeling and refurnishing the interior of the Briggs House to make it the most popular hostelry and most up-to-date in the city. Under the current management many improvements are under way and with the fine table set, it will continue to increase its patronage.

50 Years Ago

Television guide, evening: Channel 2C—My Favorite Martian, McHale’s Navy, Skippy-Bush Kangaroo, Farmer’s Daughter, Password, What’s My Line, I Spy, 10 o’clock news, Untouchables, and Alfred Hitchcock.

20 Years Ago

Advertisements: “Ironwood Stadium, Cinema 8—’True Crime’ starring Clint Eastwood, ‘The Deep End of the Ocean’ starring Michelle Pfeiffer, and ‘Baby Geniuses’ starring Kathleen Turner.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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