Scholarship helps Carson High seniors pay for trade school

Bette Larsen, owner, Timbers Saloon, and Julie Benton, Rich Lawlor, David Benton, and Tom Benton present a $12,000 check for the first Chuck Benton Memorial scholarship at Timbers Saloon on March 23.

Bette Larsen, owner, Timbers Saloon, and Julie Benton, Rich Lawlor, David Benton, and Tom Benton present a $12,000 check for the first Chuck Benton Memorial scholarship at Timbers Saloon on March 23.

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The Chuck Benton Memorial Benefit/Golf Tournament, held last summer at the Empire Ranch Golf Course and hosted by the Timbers Saloon, raised $12,000.

Twelve $1,000 scholarships will be given to eligible students who apply and are selected by a committee, said Fawn Lewis, scholarship coordinator, CHS. Lewis said details on how to apply would be available in The Scoop, the scholarship office’s newsletter.

The new scholarship honors Chuck Benton, a Washoe Valley native who became a quadriplegic after a 1994 car accident. He passed away in 2012.

Bette Larsen, owner, Timbers Saloon, has been raising money for different charities since 1985.

This year’s Chuck Benton Memorial Benefit/Golf Tournament for next year’s scholarship fund will be held in August.


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