Guy Farmer: How Democrats can re-elect President Trump

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The last thing Democrats want to see is President Trump back in the White House for four more years. But if Democrat presidential candidates continue to campaign on impeachment and far left craziness, Trump will win a second term next year, and “progressive” Democrats will be to blame.

Anti-Trump conservative columnist George Will wrote about Democrats who are running for president in the Washington Post last weekend after former Vice President Joe Biden finally announced his candidacy. Here’s what Will wrote: “One or more of Biden’s rivals have endorsed ... many ideas not uppermost in voters’ minds: Socialism, the Green New Deal, packing the Supreme Court, abolishing ICE and the Electoral College, free college, Medicare for all etc., etc.” And then Will suggested a Biden campaign slogan: “How about a president who doesn’t make the current one look less loony than he is?”

Because if the far-left crazies who identify themselves as Democrat/Socialists continue to push the unacceptable and unpopular policies enumerated by Will, a lifelong Republican who hates Trump, the president will win a second term next year — an outcome that would make many of us centrist, independent voters very unhappy. Remember that we’re the swing voters who will decide next year’s presidential election.

“Biden has a talent for embarrassing himself, but not the nation,” Will wrote, “and he probably might seem to weary voters to be something devoutly desired and restful.” So if our wildly unpredictable and unstable president and his chaotic White House continue to spin out of control, moderate voters might turn to good old Uncle Joe to calm things down, if he’s the Democrats’ presidential candidate.

That’s a big “if,” however, because younger, more progressive Democrats want anyone but Biden, who has been swimming in the Washington Swamp since 1973. In other words, he’s a card-carrying member of the Washington Establishment, as was Hillary Clinton in 2016. Many Democrats want something different this time around.

Another way Democrats can help President Trump win a second term is to continue to focus on congressional investigations and impeachment rather than addressing important political issues our nation faces, like border security, healthcare and the economy. In a recent Washington Post op-ed piece professor Larry Sabato, the highly respected director of the University of Virginia Center for Politics, explained why impeachment is a losing strategy for the Democrats.

“President Trump thrives on chaos ... but it would be a mistake to assume that the reelection campaign of this most untraditional president will mirror the tumult of his 2016 effort,” Sabato wrote. “With his large, solid base and a continuing good economy, it isn’t hard to see how Trump could win again.”

“The Democratic Party may inadvertently boost Trump if it gets carried away with an impeachment frenzy that prompts a voter backlash,” Sabato continued. “Opposition to Trump will help unify the Democrats ... but one or more factions of the Democratic Party may emerge from the primary season disappointed and angry,” and that will hurt them in the general election campaign against Trump. Democrats could be split once again as they were in 2016, when Bernie Sanders supporters accused Hillary Clinton of “stealing” their party’s presidential nomination.

The 77-year-old Sanders is back again this year, running second to Biden and mad as hell at the Washington-based Democrat Establishment, which supports 76-year-old Biden. I can hardly wait until these two aging warriors face-off on a debate stage, not to mention the optics that will occur when personable, telegenic 37-year-old South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg joins them on stage. Quite a contrast. What fun! Stay tuned ...

Guy W. Farmer is the Appeal’s senior political columnist.


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