Postal Workers deserve support
#Let’s begin with a huge shout out to the men and women of the U.S. Postal Service, here in Carson City, and throughout our nation. Dedication, perseverance, efficiency. You know the motto, “rain, sleet, snow, heat, etc.” And now I respectfully welcome them all to the club. The club created by the Commander-in-Chaos, the maniacal miscreant who has disparaged and denigrated so many Americans, that his hate bucket is overflowing. The Democrats, the media, Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, women of all color, and now the postal workers of this country. Welcome aboard.
#Donald and his Dolts fully realize that Republicans use mail-in-voting at a far greater percentage than Democrats (yes, even he and his corrupt kids use it). But as I have written several times, the Republicans cannot win a fair fight (election). They don’t have the numbers. So, for decades they resort to cheating, right out in the open. Routine voter suppression, removal from voter rolls, reduction of polling places from 150 to 5. And now, promoting the entire false narrative that mail-in-voting cannot be trusted, especially in Democratic run states.
#Hmmm... obviously the cheating Republican Party trust their own to obey the law. This is completely ludicrous. And only enforces what the intelligent electorate already knows. Trump and his minions will do anything and everything to cast doubt on the legitimacy of him being booted out of office.
#And let me leave with this. Your name-caller-in-chief has referred to Hillary Clinton as a “Nasty Woman.” Said the same about Elizabeth Warren, a “Nasty Woman.” And couldn’t wait to belittle Kamala Harris as a “Nasty Woman.” On the flip side, awaiting trial, incarcerated and indicted child sex offender, procurer of female minors for the late slime ball Jeffery Epstein, Madam Ghislaine Maxwell, a one Donald J. Trump said “I wish her well.”
#It really is time for some deep soul searching out there.
#Rick Van Alfen
#Carson City
Destruction of Post Office is wrong
#The Post Office is under attack from the inside making it less efficient and slower. Obviously, Trump doesn’t want mail-in ballots, so he is blatantly taking steps to make mail-in more impossible. They forget that U.S. citizens have a right to safely vote.
#Intimidation tactics to discourage voters is not new. However, to destroy a constitutionally sanctioned function like the Post Office for intimidation purposes is a new low, and more destructive than just interrupting the vote.
#Our families and friends need the Post Office for personal and business needs, with prescription drugs being just one example. This is the time to tell our representatives that destruction of the Post Office is wrong.
#Then on Nov. 3 vote to support people’s rights, not voter suppression.
#Lynne Ballatore
Royalty vs. commoners
#Our postal service, sociologically, is both a formal and informal institution.
#Formally, it has structure, rules, goals, practices, division of labor, etc.
#Informally, it has shared norms, beliefs and values providing an organic sense of community.
#Sadly, so many of our only-for-profit ideologues fail to even to try and grasp the significant factor of social cohesion our postal service – especially creates – to our smaller and rural communities.
#Of course, formally, the postal service fulfills real needs to all (in addition to ballots for registered voters).
#Hopefully, our only-for-profit “royalty” will not continue to so dismiss our small-town and rural “commoners.”
#Don Carlson
#Carson City
-->Postal Workers deserve support
Let’s begin with a huge shout out to the men and women of the U.S. Postal Service, here in Carson City, and throughout our nation. Dedication, perseverance, efficiency. You know the motto, “rain, sleet, snow, heat, etc.” And now I respectfully welcome them all to the club. The club created by the Commander-in-Chaos, the maniacal miscreant who has disparaged and denigrated so many Americans, that his hate bucket is overflowing. The Democrats, the media, Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, women of all color, and now the postal workers of this country. Welcome aboard.
Donald and his Dolts fully realize that Republicans use mail-in-voting at a far greater percentage than Democrats (yes, even he and his corrupt kids use it). But as I have written several times, the Republicans cannot win a fair fight (election). They don’t have the numbers. So, for decades they resort to cheating, right out in the open. Routine voter suppression, removal from voter rolls, reduction of polling places from 150 to 5. And now, promoting the entire false narrative that mail-in-voting cannot be trusted, especially in Democratic run states.
Hmmm... obviously the cheating Republican Party trust their own to obey the law. This is completely ludicrous. And only enforces what the intelligent electorate already knows. Trump and his minions will do anything and everything to cast doubt on the legitimacy of him being booted out of office.
And let me leave with this. Your name-caller-in-chief has referred to Hillary Clinton as a “Nasty Woman.” Said the same about Elizabeth Warren, a “Nasty Woman.” And couldn’t wait to belittle Kamala Harris as a “Nasty Woman.” On the flip side, awaiting trial, incarcerated and indicted child sex offender, procurer of female minors for the late slime ball Jeffery Epstein, Madam Ghislaine Maxwell, a one Donald J. Trump said “I wish her well.”
It really is time for some deep soul searching out there.
Rick Van Alfen
Carson City
Destruction of Post Office is wrong
The Post Office is under attack from the inside making it less efficient and slower. Obviously, Trump doesn’t want mail-in ballots, so he is blatantly taking steps to make mail-in more impossible. They forget that U.S. citizens have a right to safely vote.
Intimidation tactics to discourage voters is not new. However, to destroy a constitutionally sanctioned function like the Post Office for intimidation purposes is a new low, and more destructive than just interrupting the vote.
Our families and friends need the Post Office for personal and business needs, with prescription drugs being just one example. This is the time to tell our representatives that destruction of the Post Office is wrong.
Then on Nov. 3 vote to support people’s rights, not voter suppression.
Lynne Ballatore
Royalty vs. commoners
Our postal service, sociologically, is both a formal and informal institution.
Formally, it has structure, rules, goals, practices, division of labor, etc.
Informally, it has shared norms, beliefs and values providing an organic sense of community.
Sadly, so many of our only-for-profit ideologues fail to even to try and grasp the significant factor of social cohesion our postal service – especially creates – to our smaller and rural communities.
Of course, formally, the postal service fulfills real needs to all (in addition to ballots for registered voters).
Hopefully, our only-for-profit “royalty” will not continue to so dismiss our small-town and rural “commoners.”
Don Carlson
Carson City