#The first Friday in February is designated as National Wear Red Day, a time when the nation comes together, igniting a wave of red from coast-to-coast. From landmarks like the Reno arch to news anchors and neighbors to online communities, National Wear Red Day unites millions of people for a common goal: to raise awareness about our nation's #1 and #5 killers, heart disease and stroke.
#Cardiovascular disease, which includes heart diseases, stroke and other vascular diseases, claims one woman's life every 80 seconds. The good news is that 80 percent of cardiac events may be prevented if people make the right choices for their hearts, like eating a healthy diet, exercising and quitting smoking.
#Northern Nevada residents, businesses, health care providers and other community leaders are encouraged to wear red on Friday, February 7th to help raise awareness about heart disease and stroke and share their photos on social media by tagging the American Heart Association Northern Nevada Division on Facebook at @AHANorthernNevada and on Instagram and Twitter at @AHANorthernNV and including the hashtag #NVGoesRed.
#National Wear Red Day is part of American Heart Month, which was nationally designated for February back in the 1960s. Since then, February has become a good point in the year to check in on your health and take care of your heart. If you have older adults in your lives, now is the perfect time to remind them to schedule their annual screenings with their doctor and it's a good time to schedule your own check-up. These annual visits are an important part of your health, so you can monitor your cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
#In Northern Nevada, we're focusing on making one healthy shift during each week in February. Our Go Red for Women movement is leading this charge with women throughout our community sharing the healthy shift they are taking each week on social media with #GoRedShifts. Follow this hashtag throughout February to get inspired in shifting in your own lives. You might see things like a heart healthy office pot luck with low-sodium and low-sugar dishes, a walking meeting or evening walk with the family.
#For 16 years, the Go Red for Women movement has served as a catalyst for change to improve the lives of women globally. Heart disease takes one in three women's lives and we are here to change that. The Go Red for Women movement harnesses the energy, passion and power women have to band together and collectively wipe out heart disease. It challenges them to know their risk for heart disease and take action to reduce it. It also gives women the tools they need to take charge of their own heart health as well as the health of those they can't bear to live without. Prior to Go Red for Women, only 30 percent of women knew that heart disease was their greatest health risk. A decade after Go Red for Women launched, close to 56 percent of women recognized this fact, nearly a 90 percent increase in awareness.
#The AHA Northern Nevada Division's 2020 Go Red for Women Health Expo and Luncheon is Friday, February 28th from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Downtown Reno Ballroom. The theme for this year's luncheon is Making a Shift and attendees are encouraged to wear red attire. The Go Red for Women movement is nationally sponsored by CVS. More information and table sponsorships are available at renogoredluncheon.heart.org.
#Being aware of heart disease and your risk are great first steps but taking action to reduce it will help ensure you are able to live your longest, fullest lives and spend more precious time with your loved ones. Some ways you can take care of your heart include:
#In addition to taking charge of your health, Northern Nevada residents and businesses can get involved locally. The AHA Northern Nevada Division needs your help.
#Volunteer your time, donate your dollars or participate in an event. Please call 775-322-7065 or visit us on Facebook at facebook.com/northernnevada or Instagram and Twitter @AHANorthernNV.
#This article was provided by the American Heart Association Northern Nevada Division. Plumas Bank sponsors this content.
-->The first Friday in February is designated as National Wear Red Day, a time when the nation comes together, igniting a wave of red from coast-to-coast. From landmarks like the Reno arch to news anchors and neighbors to online communities, National Wear Red Day unites millions of people for a common goal: to raise awareness about our nation's #1 and #5 killers, heart disease and stroke.
Cardiovascular disease, which includes heart diseases, stroke and other vascular diseases, claims one woman's life every 80 seconds. The good news is that 80 percent of cardiac events may be prevented if people make the right choices for their hearts, like eating a healthy diet, exercising and quitting smoking.
Northern Nevada residents, businesses, health care providers and other community leaders are encouraged to wear red on Friday, February 7th to help raise awareness about heart disease and stroke and share their photos on social media by tagging the American Heart Association Northern Nevada Division on Facebook at @AHANorthernNevada and on Instagram and Twitter at @AHANorthernNV and including the hashtag #NVGoesRed.
National Wear Red Day is part of American Heart Month, which was nationally designated for February back in the 1960s. Since then, February has become a good point in the year to check in on your health and take care of your heart. If you have older adults in your lives, now is the perfect time to remind them to schedule their annual screenings with their doctor and it's a good time to schedule your own check-up. These annual visits are an important part of your health, so you can monitor your cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
In Northern Nevada, we're focusing on making one healthy shift during each week in February. Our Go Red for Women movement is leading this charge with women throughout our community sharing the healthy shift they are taking each week on social media with #GoRedShifts. Follow this hashtag throughout February to get inspired in shifting in your own lives. You might see things like a heart healthy office pot luck with low-sodium and low-sugar dishes, a walking meeting or evening walk with the family.
For 16 years, the Go Red for Women movement has served as a catalyst for change to improve the lives of women globally. Heart disease takes one in three women's lives and we are here to change that. The Go Red for Women movement harnesses the energy, passion and power women have to band together and collectively wipe out heart disease. It challenges them to know their risk for heart disease and take action to reduce it. It also gives women the tools they need to take charge of their own heart health as well as the health of those they can't bear to live without. Prior to Go Red for Women, only 30 percent of women knew that heart disease was their greatest health risk. A decade after Go Red for Women launched, close to 56 percent of women recognized this fact, nearly a 90 percent increase in awareness.
The AHA Northern Nevada Division's 2020 Go Red for Women Health Expo and Luncheon is Friday, February 28th from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Downtown Reno Ballroom. The theme for this year's luncheon is Making a Shift and attendees are encouraged to wear red attire. The Go Red for Women movement is nationally sponsored by CVS. More information and table sponsorships are available at renogoredluncheon.heart.org.
Being aware of heart disease and your risk are great first steps but taking action to reduce it will help ensure you are able to live your longest, fullest lives and spend more precious time with your loved ones. Some ways you can take care of your heart include:
In addition to taking charge of your health, Northern Nevada residents and businesses can get involved locally. The AHA Northern Nevada Division needs your help.
Volunteer your time, donate your dollars or participate in an event. Please call 775-322-7065 or visit us on Facebook at facebook.com/northernnevada or Instagram and Twitter @AHANorthernNV.
This article was provided by the American Heart Association Northern Nevada Division. Plumas Bank sponsors this content.