Golden Gate Petroleum opens newest location in Fallon
A ribbon cutting was conducted July 9 for Golden Gate Petroleum’s Fallon facility. With the scissors is Nacho Aguilar, director of retail, Nevada/California, and to his right is District Manager Myron Johnson.
Photo by Steve Ranson.
Although Golden Gate Petroleum opened its new facility in Fallon in late 2020, a ribbon-cutting and grand-opening ceremony conducted Friday, July 9, by the Fallon Chamber of Commerce officially welcomed one of the company’s newest gas stations/convenience stores to Northern Nevada. Myron Johnson, district manager for Golden Gate’s operations in Northern Nevada, said there are 16 locations beginning from Sparks and Carson City in the western part of the state and then heading east toward Winnemucca, Elko and Wells.
Golden Gate Petroleum formally conducted on Friday its grand-opening ceremony at its Fallon locations. Photo: Steve Ranson
After the main facility opened in Fallon, Golden Gate completed the diesel islands and paving just east of Jerry’s Restaurant. A self-drive car wash is east of the convenience store. “I am absolutely quite pleased with the opening,” Johnson said. Golden Gate has expanded its C-Store Retail Outlets and Refining/Manufacturing Operations in both Nevada and Colorado during the past 20 years. Other locations are also in California.