Notice of Public Lien
Notice is hereby given
that the following individuals
are indebted
to Minis on Parr of
Reno, Nevada for past
due rent and other
charges. Auction will
be conducted pursuant
to NRS 108.473 thru
NRS 108.4783 on October
14th 2021 Online
at www.storagetreasures.
com. Units to be
sold may be viewed at
com. Minis on Parr
reserves the right to
bid on any unit. All
sales are final. Sale
is subject to cancellation
in the event of a
Settlement between
Landlord and obligated
Emery Hayes 119 5 x
7 Miscellaneous Items
Shannon Stevens 342
5 x 10 Miscellaneous
Alfie Hall 320 5 x 10
Miscellaneous Items
Alfie Hall 354 5 x 10
Miscellaneous Items
Pub: October 6, 13,
2021. Ad#17523