The true purpose of treesRus is to help reduce our carbon footprint on Earth. Climate Change is here and if we as a world don’t try to make a difference, we won’t be able to stop it.
I founded treesRus in late 2019. I had just turned 11, was in middle school, and a Boy Scout. The vision at that time was to make a difference in our community. But with all that we have accomplished in such a short time, my new vision is to make a difference in our world.
Trees are the world’s largest repository of carbon. So, by planting trees we are sequestering the carbon, thereby reducing our carbon footprint in our area. We have had dozens of fires over the past few years. The more trees we lose, the less carbon gets sequestered. So, it's very important to our area to replace and replenish these trees.
treesRus plants a diverse group of trees that are acclimated to our local environment and have a greater chance of survival, including hybrid poplars, green ash, dogwood, cottonwood, and pine trees. Even though we have only been a non-profit for a couple of years, we have made a large difference in our community. In total, we have had 3 tree plantings at Washoe Lake State Park, planting 100+ trees. In total and despite the pandemic, we’ve planted more than 400 trees. Even though covid delayed some of our plans, we earned our non-profit status and built a plant nursery that can hold over 300 trees. The community has been very supportive of our efforts along with Boy Scout Troop 150 in Washoe Valley, and The Rotary Club of Reno-South for their financial and volunteer support.
Our goal is to plant a minimum of 1000 trees within the next 12 months. Each planted seedling costs us about $7 (Plant+ Compost+ Mulch+ Drip irrigation) apiece and many volunteer hours. To effectuate our goal, we need to raise a minimum of $7,000 dollars. All support is greatly appreciated.
Stay informed, visit to donate, volunteer, sponsor a tree or three. Be sure to visit our online store and support us in our efforts.