Workers guide a beam for the Events Center into the air on May 6. Supply shortages will delay completion of the biggest project in Douglas County until the second quarter of 2023.
Construction on the Stateline Events Center has been moving along, but not fast enough to make up for delays experienced in 2021, pushing the opening date into the second quarter of 2023.
The events center was slated to open in the first quarter of 2023 but the Caldor Fire in summer 2021 prevented work from being completed on the project for about three weeks.
The project experienced additional delays after massive snowstorms hit the area in December 2021.
Also, some of the high wind events in April and May made work on the steel beams of the project dangerous.
Now, supply chain issues will prevent the project from some of the electrical items needed to complete the project.
“We’re at the whims of the world right now,” said Rick Kozuback, president and CEO of International Coliseums Co., which is overseeing construction of the project.
While the project hasn’t experienced labor shortages, they have had a hard time getting extra workers to help make up for lost time.
Still, Kozuback said work has been coming along wonderfully. The building is now completely glassed in, installation of insulation has begun inside and the back of house will be fully closed in shortly.
Concrete for the entrances will soon be poured, giving passer-bys a good idea of what the entrances will look like when completed.
Kozuback said he isn’t exactly sure when in quarter two of 2023 the building will be complete but he is hopeful they can make it within that time period.
“It will take time to get there but when its complete, it will be tremendous,” Kozuback said.