The Alzheimer’s Association announced Ken Toren as the new regional vice president and executive director at the Northern California and Northern Nevada Chapter, and serving as the regional leader for the Desert Southwest (Arizona, Southern Nevada) and Aloha (Hawaii) chapters, which encompass Region 2 for the association.
Toren has extensive nonprofit and business leadership experience, most recently serving as CEO for the American Red Cross Silicon Valley.
In the nonprofit sector, Toren has led mission-driven humanitarian nonprofits focused on local, national, and global disaster preparedness, response, and recovery; job development and lifetime services for the developmentally disabled; public television and media; and comprehensive biomedical, scientific research, and caregiver support programs for patients with Parkinson’s disease, dementia, asthma and cancer.
Toren has also led nonprofit fundraising efforts totaling over $600 million through major gifts, employee engagement and workforce giving, social impact programs, capital campaigns, government funding, private foundations, planned giving, online platforms, special events and corporate sponsorships.
In the for-profit sector, Toren has held executive roles as CEO, COO, co-founder, board member, adviser, and investor in public and private companies and start-ups providing enterprise software, mobile apps, and consumer applications in healthcare, CRM/marketing automation, cybersecurity, system integration and financial services.
He focused on venture investments, business development, marketing and mergers and acquisitions.
Toren holds associates, bachelor, and master’s degrees from the College of Public Health, School of Health and Human Development, and School of Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Management at Pennsylvania State University and Temple University.